Saturday May 17 – 6-10pm
Casual drinks at Farm.One
Farm.One is a very cool hydroponic farm located in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. We’ll be renting out their taproom for the evening.
We aren’t having a sit-down dinner but we will be providing food. Farm.One does great cocktails with ingredients from their farm, and they offer a really substantial list of mocktails as well.
Note that while Farm.One is child-friendly, it is a working farm, and the space is likely not suitable for small fast young children who may want to get into the restricted areas – your discretion for your kiddos. (Same goes for particularly mischievous adults.)
Sunday May 18 – 11am-2pm
Meet us at Prospect Park for our favorite Court Street Grocer sandwiches and lawn games, weather permitting. Exact location (with map) to come.
Super casual, come hang out, drop in when you can if you’re around. We’d love to see all the kids and dogs!
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